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April Johnson

South Jersey Theatre Critics

Sordid Lives
“Kristine Bonaventura shines as the 'bad girl' of the family, LaVonda Dupree, teamed up with Amanda Frederick as Noleta Nethercott...a hysterical Thelma and Louise bit that brings the audience to their knees in laughter."


Psycho Beach Party
“Chicklet's side-kick Berdine, played with magnificence by Kristine Bonaventura, is the uber-nerd extraordinaire. She intricately spits out complicated philosophical theories and names, like Nietzsche, as if she had studied them her whole life."

Myra Yellin Outwater

The Morning Call

A Child's Christmas in Wales
“...the famous Welsh Poet recalls one cold, snowy Christmas when he was a boy and his mother burned the turkey in the new gas oven...and Kristine L. Bonaventura as his mother is bustling and efficient."

Kevin Stephany

Critique Compendium

"This show, showed that life isn't idyllic for fairy tale princesses. Even they can become victims of stereotyping and sexism...Kristine Bonaventura portrayed an angry Little Mermaid for the "Two Legs" number. Despite the character's bitterness, Bonaventure expressed it in a comical fashion."

Myra Yellin Outwater

The Morning Call

Sunday in the Park with George
“..."Art isn't easy." Sondheim musicals aren't easy either...Among the stand-outs: Kristine Bonaventura who sings a haunting solo as Seurat's mother in the first act and plays an acerbic 20th-century art critic in the second...”

Kevin Stephany

Critique Compendium

The Shadow Box
“A story so laden with anguish required levity to lighten the tension. The performers enacted the well-placed humor in the show...Kristine Bonaventura's flamboyance and drunken dancing made the audience chuckle."
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